Category: Rodents
Top 3 Myths About Winter Pests Debunked
When winter arrives in the Bay Area, many people assume pest problems vanish with the colder weather. After all, we don’t see as many mosquitoes buzzing around or ants marching across countertops, right? Unfortunately, this assumption is one of the biggest misconceptions about winter pest activity. The truth is that pests don’t take a seasonal […]
7 Ways to Keep Your Bay Area Home Rodent-Free
As winter settles over the Bay Area, rodents such as mice and rats start looking for warm places to nest—and your cozy home may be at the top of their list. Fortunately, with a few preventative measures and regular maintenance, you can keep these unwelcome guests out. At CalPro Pest Control, we’re here to share […]
6 Industry-Specific Pest Control Solutions to Protect Your Business
Every business has unique pest control needs, and at CalPro Pest Control, we specialize in creating industry-specific solutions. With extensive experience across a variety of commercial properties, we provide reliable pest control services that keep your property pest-free. Whether you’re managing a residential complex, running a food business, or overseeing a warehouse, we have the […]